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Writer's pictureLisa Gravelle

"The Science and Knowing of Microdosing”

Part One of a 3 part series

  1. What is it, when did this all start, main benefits

  2. What science has discovered… What we know intuitively

  3. Microdosing, sexual health and weight loss…

Part One: What is it, when did this all start, main benefits

What is it ?

Taking a miniscule amount or “Microdose '' of any substance in the pursuit of improving / affecting one's health. For the purpose of this series we will focus on microdosing mushrooms more specifically of psilocybin mushrooms, aka Magic mushrooms.

Guess what else you can microdose? … Chocolate, Caffeine, Cannabis and more…. we will do a separate blog post on that later.

The main purpose of microdosing mushrooms is to take you to a state of well being, focus, clarity, and insight, without the drawbacks associated with a Macro dose or full trip.

Microdosing psilocybin or psilocin mushrooms is becoming increasingly popular. Used by many people including professionals, college professors, doctors, students, seniors and even moms and dads! The ideal state is one of sub perception, in other words the effects should be just under an obvious state of noticing. A state that does not inhibit, but rather enhances your mental and physical abilities. You should feel a sense of comfort in your body and mind. The key is proper dosing and finding the sweet spot that works for you.

When did it all begin?

History reveals that humans and animals have been experimenting with psychedelic substances from plant and animal matter since the dawn of time. But it's only been in the last 10 years or so that the idea of microdosing has made its way into the mainstream. Some attribute Silicon valley’s tech industry with the origins, workers realizing they could gain huge cognitive benefits from the practice that gave them an intellectual edge over their competition. Of course results and news like this rarely stays quiet, articles came out and people wanted to know more.

Influencers like Joe Rogan and his youtube/podcasts have set the airwaves on fire with information and a thirst of more knowledge. World renown experts such as the godfather of psychedelics, Dr. James Fadiman, author, researcher and lecturer, as well as Paul Staments, mycologist, researcher and author, are both pioneers and highly respected for their knowledge and dedication to this field.

Who benefits the most?

Adults with ADD, depression, menopausal brain fog, anyone wanting to create a sense of joy in their daily life naturally. Those seeking a sense of clarity, able to focus more effectively, increase creativity, uplift mood and wanting a natural alternative to antidepressant pharmaceuticals.

Who should NOT Microdose?

Children, and anyone under the age of 21

Women who are pregnant and or breast feeding

Adults experiencing extreme loss or suffering from a major mental breakdown or illness

When is microdosing NOT recommended?

  • For people under the age of 18

  • In combination with alcohol or other drugs

  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • In combination with some medication including lithium carbonate medicine (Lithium) or Tramadol

  • In those with a family history of psychosis

  • During periods of intense emotional instability, such as grief

  • Men with color blindness

  • Those who suffer from paranoia

  • Those who suffer from tinnitus

Stay tuned... for part two in this series: What science has discovered… What we know intuitively



The content on this website, and Blog, is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals.

If you are seeking medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment,

we advise you to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider.

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