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Microdose classes 

This is your year to Sparkle!!  

Host and class in the comfort of your home or work place or join one already in the works.  A great way to learn all about the wonderful world of Microdosing, it's fun and super informative.   

Party with Sparklers

Microdose class details

Host a class in your home or workplace,, the host is counted as one student and attends the class at no charge.

The host will also receive $100 credit for any product we carry.   Class is limited to max 10 students to make sure each person receives ample time to learn and ask questions.  


90 minute Class includes:

One starter pack (Two week supply)   (choice of either tea or capsules)   $30 value

Copy of Microdosing Reference guide and Journal Book in printed form $22 value


Class exchange:  $45 per person.  Includes starter pack or equivalent credit which can be used to purchase other products if you have already purchased the Starter pack previously.


Who is this class for?

Adult ages 19 and up,  

Anyone with: Difficulty concentrating

Menopausal Brain Fog, Cloudy thinking and judgment 

Suffering from depression?

Want to increase your libido 

Lose and maintain healthy weight 


What will you learn

What is microdosing all about? 

The legality of using, growing   etc

Different Strains:  Psychedelic mushrooms  …Should grow your own?  What's legal?

Functional mushrooms, what are they?  Learn about functional Mushrooms like: Lions Mane, Cordyseps, Reishi, Chaga, Maytake, Turkey Tail.  and other botanicals such as Ashawaganda, Bacopa, and Gold!

What is stacking or blending for Microdosing 

CBD and THC discussed, how to use and Microdose as well

What strain is the best for micro dosing

What to expect when you Microdose?   Mental  … physically, emotionally, spriitually, affects on libidio 

Learn how microdosing can help you lose and maintain weight through increased cognitive awareness of what your body really needs.

A little about Macro dose  (Journey dosing/Tripping):  set and setting ( prep and  intention).  How to make your experience optimal for you.    Best ways to consume magic mushrooms 

Responsible use 

The value of Journaling

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